Maid of Honor
Katelyn and I met in the third grade as bus seat partners. We lived around the corner from each other growing up and quickly became best friends, running back and forth from one house to another for sleepovers, pool days, and pizza parties. She is my soul sister and can read my mind so well that we often finish each other’s sentences. We’ve been dreaming about this day together since we were still playing with dolls and it’s a dream come true to have my best friend by my side as I marry my other best friend!
Chelsea I met interning together over 7 years ago and have been great friends and colleagues ever since. Ian and I have her to thank for being our third wheel on our unintentional first date! Her husband Luke and Ian have become the best of friends and we’ve spent many football Sundays together cheering on the Patriots at one sports bar or another. Their adorable daughter Josephine is the flower girl and her “Uncle Ian and Auntie Lisa” love spoiling her!
MacKenzie and I met at a college house party just before Ian and I started dating. Although she knew Ian first through her husband Sam, MacKenzie and I have become such close friends over the last 6+ years. We are so grateful to have had MacKenzie and Sam be part of our engagement weekend and to have both of them stand with us on our wedding day!
Sarah and I met in 5th grade and played flute together in band. We really solidified our friendship on a band trip to St. Louis in 6th grade, but I’ll never forget taking Sarah on her first 8+ hour road trip to Minneapolis for a concert and the 100s of ridiculous selfies we took along the way. I’m so grateful for our friendship that has stood the test of time - and our most awkward years. Sarah’s not afraid to tell it like it is. She’s the most loyal and faithful friend who’s been there through it all.
Krista is my one and only sister. She loves to remind me that she’s my BIG sister and I’ll never be as old as her! Krista loves to play her keyboard, build puzzles, and volunteers weekly at her church. She has the biggest smile and brightens up every room she walks into. I can’t wait to share this special day with her!
Sammi and I met at a Belmont summer band camp in 2012 and she was one of my very first friends in Nashville. We joined the same sorority/fraternity in college and were roommates senior year (PERFECT 10 FOREVER)! Sammi teaches junior high band and always has a great book or recipe recommendation.
Rachel was my “work wife” for three years while I was working in artist management. We first met at a party through Ian while he was working on one of her client's websites. Thank goodness he had a plus one! We both love thrifting and garage sales and even though we don’t share an office anymore, she’ll always be a huge part of my life.
Best Man
Luke and I met when he moved down to Nashville to live with his now wife Chelsea. Chelsea and Lisa worked together so Luke and I became friends by default. Our mutual love of the Patriots kick started our friendship and now Luke is one of my closest friends in Nashville. Our friendship has seen countless beer nights, backpacking trips, and Tom Brady Super Bowls. Luke and I both hail from the Northeast and he is without a doubt one of the people who makes Nashville feel like home.
I met Ricky in high school and while I never got him to do theater, we did almost everything else together. Our escapades included joining swim team in our senior year, traveling to Knoxville for DI(Destination Imagination) global finals, life guarding for several summers at Swanzey Lake, and regular camping and canoe trips up in the White Mountains. Ricky has been there for me from day one and I’m looking forward to having him in Tennessee once again.
I have known Sam since our freshman year at Belmont, but our friendship really began when we were briefly roommates the summer before our senior year of college. We made up for lost time and quickly bonded with regular jam nights in the house and the occasional backpacking and camping trip out to the Smokies. Sam has his hands full running the Walker Brothers kombucha company but despite his busy schedule he managed to make time to be in our wedding.
I met Brett my junior year of college when he became my roommate and we quickly hit it off. Brett and I would end up moving into the “Linden” house which would be our base of operations our senior year. Brett and I have stayed in touch over the years since he moved back to California and I am thrilled he is making the trip to Nashville for our wedding.
Nathan and I knew each other in college and started our careers working at 12South Marketing right after graduation. Even though we spent all day together in an office we still enjoyed each others company enough to become roommates at Linden. Nathan is a connoisseur of all things gaming, whether it be sports, board games, or video games. Nathan is always down for a game night, just be warned he has a knack for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
Andrew and I met our freshman year of college while filling out some paperwork and quickly became friends. Andrew and I bonded going out to concerts in Nashville and occasionally jamming together on campus. Andrew has fantastic musical taste and introduced me and Lisa to some of our favorite bands like spooky musical phenomenon Here Come the Mummies. When he isn’t busy being in my wedding party he can be found drumming for the funk band The Aquaducks.
Like his cousin Nathan, Stephen and I became good friends when we started working at 12South Marketing after graduation. Like many other members of the bachelor party Stevo and I lived together at Linden on two separate occasions. Stephen was one of the first people to really show an interest in the outdoors with me and there was a summer where we were out hiking almost every weekend. Stevo is also a talented artist and some of his artwork has found its way onto the walls of our home.